Cybersecurity? Haven’t They Already Stolen My Data!?

breaky | 25.10.2023 | 08:30 Uhr | digital

Cybersecurity? Haven’t They Already Stolen My Data!?

In a world driven by digital connectivity, the persistent threat of data breaches continues to loom large. The recent incidents involving ChatGPT, Pizza Hut, and UPS serve as vivid reminders of the vulnerability of our personal and corporate information. These breaches underscore that the battle against cyber criminals is ongoing and that our data is far from secure. While it might be tempting to believe that a previous breach means we can relax our vigilance, this line of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.

The landscape of cybersecurity is in a constant state of flux, adapting to the evolving tactics of cybercriminals. Keeping this in mind, it’s crucial to embrace the latest cybersecurity trends to ensure robust protection. From adopting Zero Trust models to harnessing AI-driven threat detection and response mechanisms, these trends are pivotal in staying ahead of cyber threats. By remaining informed and proactive, we can mitigate the potential impact of future breaches.

Jeremy’s inclusion of personal anecdotes about „life-work“ balance imparts a vital lesson – even in the realm of cybersecurity, personal well-being should never take a back seat. The stress and demands of the digital age can take a toll on our ability to make sound security decisions.

As we delve deeper into this presentation, we will further dissect these cybersecurity trends, discussing their practical implications and how they translate into actionable steps for individuals and organizations alike. By merging technological insights with a holistic perspective on well-being, we can construct a more fortified digital world that protects not only our data but also our peace of mind.

Für dich am Start

Jeremy Kaye

Head of Regulations and Compliance 

Married, three kids (21, 19, 16), born in Manchester, England. Move to Israel in 2005. BSc Psychology. Career in Risk Management in Financial Services. In Israel, pivoted career towards technology. Was working for start-up that was acquired by the cybersecurity giant Check Point in 2011 and been there ever since. Managed two businesses but the last three years been focused on our Executive Briefing Center which hosts 300 visits per year to our head office in Tel Aviv – you are all welcome! I also run Check Point’s relationship with the World Economic Forum.
Outside of work, I am focused on a number of important initiatives: 1) Run a weekly community programme for 250 english-speaking youth in Israel; 2) Volunteer for Tech2Peace, a beautiful org that brings Israelis and Palestinians together to learn about technology yet more importantly about each other; and 3) Teach a weekly course on Jewish Prayer and explore how prayer (and hope) has the power to transform us. Life is busy and I am in a constant battle for balance between Family, Community, and Work but the common denominator is “Can I make a difference?” and this is the guiding theme to my day.

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